Friday, July 13, 2012

Instafriday 7/13/12

life rearrangedToday I'm a little anxious because Joe's going away on a paleo adventure for 3 days.  I've never been alone in the house with Siena overnight, and Joe and I aren't separated very often, so my heart's a little heavy.  But I know I'm just being a wuss- I'll be fine! 

It's Instafriday, which means you get to see the wonderful minutia of my week via cell phone pics.

 Paleo Pizza Frittata (recipe here)
 Watermelon time!  She's so thorough, she scrapes away everything except a 1 mm thick green rind.
 Heat wave made doggies sluggish.
 Farmer's market!
 I watched all 54 episodes of Dance Academy (a dorky Australian teeny bopper show) in one week.  It's that awesome! 
 Doggy massage services on the beach.
 Etsy crafting.
 Super tasty but super UGLY paleo cookies and cupcakes.  I actually think pastries taste better when they're ugly.
 Coppertone baby!
 Blow up pools are a hassle- this whale tub works great!


  1. I'm sure you're going to do wonderfully as a solo parent, but I can see how it would be stressful! I hope you ladies have a good weekend together. xo

  2. Oh my goodness, I feel awful! I didn't know Joe was going away this weekend. Is it for that certification you had talked about before? Also, if you need help or just want to hang out, let me know. And your food always looks really yummy! Hehe...the Coppertone baby is adorable, as always!

  3. Love the coppertone baby! Good luck with the solo parenting, I would be a total wuss also, you are so not alone. Also, after going GF during my third trimester and for the sake of Cora's digestive system while nursing, I have to say that paleo looks appealing, (if I could only get over the raw egg yolks). ;)

    PS: Thanks for the encouragement on Cora's eating front. Sorry for not responding earlier.
