Thursday, August 2, 2012

Instafriday 8/3/12

life rearrangedA mellow week.  Less computer time, Dawson's Creek, and shopping.  More walks, pondering, and reading. I'm reading The Four Hour Work Week (even though I'm not "working" per se) and it's changed my whole housewifey system.  Here's a quote that I've been mulling over all day...
"Doing something unimportant well does not make it important.
Requiring a lot of time does not make a task important." 
So what's really important to me and my little family?  What tasks are just time wasters?  I am a busy bee, always multitasking and trying to be efficient.  But being efficient at things that aren't real priorities is a form of laziness.  Lazy thinking, that is.  It's easier to NOT challenge our assumptions and spin our wheels than it is to simplify our lives and put our energy toward a few really important things.  And have energy left for fun, service, and relaxation, too!

With that said, in lieu of proper blogging, I'll probably just be instafridaying for a while, because instafridaying takes 10 minutes but captures priceless memories of my little girl's life.  I can justify it.  I'm not totally sure about all the rest.  If you miss me, you can follow me on instagram (krissycus) or through my Paleo Plus One blog.  

 The bottom picture of Basil was taken during one of Sisi's epic tantrums.
 Life inspiring craft (btw, those ombre peony clips will be available soon!)
Sardines, I love you. You are so convenient. I don't like eating you and you smell funky, but my daughter gets most of her nutrients from you.

 We found a small hidden garden by the library and we've been back twice to explore.
 Even though I'm a girly girl, I prefer to buy gender neutral toys. But all these potty training supplies (doll that wets, underpants, and potty book) happen to be obnoxiously bubble gum hued.


  1. I'll never get over how lovely her hairclips are. You make the prettiest hair pieces =)

    - Sarah

  2. Prioritizing is so critical, Kris! It's hard, because it actually requires us to be more thoughtful than crazy multitasking, which just requires us to be really busy. Good for you!
