Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sisi the Sushi

The day before Halloween, I saw this adorable onesie on etsy, and got sad that it was too late to order it.  We are a sushi loving family, for sure!  Then I decided to give it a whirl myself.  A perfect last minute baby costume!

Simply fabric glue and/or stitch the felt shrimp and fake grass garnish onto a onesie, wrap some black velvet trim around the belly for seaweed, and use neon green and peach felt for the ginger and wasabi.  I also made a ginger/wasabi barette, and stuck chopsticks through her hair.  After the fact, I realized I should have also decorated a Chinese takeout box for her to put her candy in! Someone else can steal that genius idea :)

Surprisingly, Sisi was delighted to wear this getup.  She kept smiling in the mirror and saying "Fishy!!"  She even kept those chopsticks in most of the evening (although I nearly poked my eyeball out carrying her in my arms.)

Joe and I threw our costumes together literally minutes before we had to walk out the door.  I put on a striped dress, made a prisoner badge ("g-dg-d2shus" = goody goody two shoes) and whipped up this crazy jailbird hat (which I secretly want to wear again some way, some how.)   I guess I'm supposed to be a glamorous prisoner? 

 Joe borrowed my wig, jacket and scarf and went as an 80's glam rock drummer.  

Trick-or-treating was a confusing experience for Sisi. A mechanical skeleton pirate with blazing eyes sent her sobbing and quivering in my arms.  She didn't like when people answered the door in scary costumes.  But after shaking off the trauma, she was excited to walk up to the doors, carefully choose one candy and put it into her bag (even though we couldn't bear to let her eat any of it). Sad thing was there were only a handful of other trick-or-treaters out.  Guess everyone was at the mall!

I told her if she gave me all her candy, she could have a piece of chocolate covered banana. She took me up on that.  My  friends were laughing at how easy the trade was.  (Next year she might put up a little more resistance once she actually knows what candy is.)

Joe and I felt sooooooo grown-up taking our child trick-or-treating.  Parenthood is still surreal.  How have us goons been entrusted with raising a toddler? 

Already looking forward to next Halloween!!! How was your's?

1 comment:

  1. everything about this is so awesome!! :) :)
