Friday, December 7, 2012

My Life in Cell Phone Pics! 12/7/12

 We picked out a tree!  I'd love to say we picked it for sentimental reasons, but truth is it was cheap cheap cheap.  Here it is, still undecorated a whole week after we bought it :/

I bought this unknown veggie at the farmer's market.  Apparently it's called yum choy, and it is indeed yum. Like broccoli but more flavorful, and the pretty yellow blooms are edible!
New festive masquerade masks! 
 And a delicate bleached peacock feather butterfly.
There's a new Boston Terrier in town named Bella (my bro's dog).  And my windows are embarassingly filthy. But with 2 dogs and a greasy toddler running around it seems like a losing battle to even try to keep windows clean.  Can I get an amen?
Have you seen buttercup squashes?  What will they think of next?
Advent calendar tasks are being completed (late, and out of order, but they are getting done.)  Joe seemed apprehensive of scheduling out holiday cheer, but I definitely kept each day's task simple and doable. Like "sing a Christmas song" or "bake paleo cookies" (which I pretty much do every day).  We're not big overachievers when it comes to holiday rituals, but this calendar is helping us establish some fun new traditions for posterity's sake.
 Green smoothie smiles! Hard to get a pic of a toddler high on green smoothie energy.
 Tea party with her "todo" (turtle) lawn mower.  Funny kid!
 And my first attempt at paleo mayonnaise ("baconnaise") was a big fat FAIL.  It tasted like bacon frosting, which is even nastier than it sounds.  Next time, I'll try olive oil instead of bacon grease.  And to anyone wondering, my cholesterol and triglycerides are just fine :)

Have a super lovely weekend!  

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for doing the advent calendar! I so badly wanted to do it this year, but didn't get around to it. I will forever love her pom poms!!!
