Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sisi!!!

We flew back from Costa Rica the day before Sisi's 2nd birthday (so as not to have to pay for her seat on the plane, obviously!) She turned 2 years old on the way home from the airport, in the super shuttle of all places.  We were so tired from our trip we didn't have anything planned for her, but we managed to bake a paleo cake with chocolate ganache frosting together.  We couldn't even find a candle to light, but we did sing Happy Birthday and made her wear a festive party hat from Joyful Joyful. She was quite amused by all the fuss.   Her only birthday present was turning her carseat around so she could see more than the backseat upholstery, and she was thrilled.  They are so easy to please at this age!

I can't believe my little baby is doing so many "big girl" things now- speaking in sentences, trying to ride a tricycle, making up the silliest ditties (that often sound like bjork songs), and traveling across the world like it's no big deal.  

She is such a treasure to me.  
      I adore it when she says "Held, please mommy!"  when she wants to be picked up, or "wear baby soup" when she wants to put on her bathing suit and go to the beach.  
      I love my little tomboy, who would much rather play with cars, trucks and trains than baby dolls or princesses.  
     Who hides from strangers but secretly smiles at the attention she's receiving (and she does get a lot of attention).  
     Who had to hug every car in the parking lot on the way to the post office today.
Who still thinks if she's closing her eyes, nobody can see her.
     Who gladly eats the fish skin I leave on my plate.  
My sweet blue-eyed big-bellied beach-bum toddler who is growing up so fast it makes my head spin.  
     All her old favorite board books are too simple for her now, and she's gravitating toward longer books with more complicated stories like Babar, On the Night You Were Born, and Bernstein Bears.  
     She said "I love you" to Joe for the first time recently, and I think I saw his heart melt right on the spot.  I'm still waiting to hear those magic words.  
     Oh, and she is completely weaned off of bottles and milk, too!  We could only get powdered goat's milk in Costa Rica, and  she didn't like it so she just drank water instead. She still asks for her "ba ba" sometimes, but I just tell her we don't have any milk, and she is ok. It was almost too easy.  

drunk on cake, or just jet-lagged??

And let's see what a difference a year makes.  Here is Sisi one year ago:

Photo by Trista Lerit Photography

And one year before that:

Photo by Trista Lerit Photography

I love you bundles and bundles, my dear Siena!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

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