Fresh from the womb...
My dream team. Lindsey and Melanie from OC Midwifery are so amazing.
I'd like you to meet Matteo. He was born on 12/12/14, at 4:34 am- 6lb 15 oz, 20 inches long.
I probably won't share my entire labor story this time around (it's sacred!), but here are the main points. Cramps at 3am, tried to walk them off or sleep through them, but I couldn't. Woke up Joe who called the midwife and the doula, apologizing that maybe this was false labor. 20 minutes later, thunderstorm starts, water breaks, I'm pacing around the house trying to survive the contractions. Deep breathing, listening to the rain fall onto our roof, praying for strength. I retreat into Matteo's nursery, and try to count the fishes in his room as a distraction. I decide to get on hands and knees just to give my legs a little break, and suddenly BOOM!! head falls, I'm fully dilated and ready to push. Midwife and doula are still not here. Sobbing hysterically, trying not to push, remembering that the exact same thing happened with Sisi, staring at the Christmas tree and counting the ornaments. Hold him in, hold him in. Focusing on the monkey ornament. Midwife arrives. Doula arrives (both were coming straight from other births!!) Joe is trying to fill the tub in vain, midwife hears me pushing and guides me to the couch. No time for water birth, one excruciating push, then another, Matteo slides out and I'm making this face. Yeah, I was pretty overwhelmed with love, relief, thankfulness, and also terror. Being a mom is a mixed bag of emotions!
I'm so in love, so proud of this little guy. He is tiny and oh so sleepy; his eyes are almost always closed, unlike Sisi who was staring everyone down from day one.
congratulations!! thank you for sharing this precious snippet. Matteo is beautiful! i had a home birth with my son, and he's 20 months old now, and we are hoping to become a family of 4 some day in the near future, God willing. :) you look radiant, and i love the daddy-skin to skin time picture. happy holidays to your family!!