Instafriday 6/7/12
Thursday, June 7, 2012
On a whim, I met Joe at the beach after he got off work.
Joe swam and climbed some rocks, the dogs sunbathed, and Sisi and I frolicked. Not your typical Tuesday evening, but it was seriously rejuvenating.
I call this photo series "Robinson Crusoe Baby"...

A dear friend sent me a little pedicure set via snail mail "just because." Who does that? Super thoughtful people, that's who! Thanks for making my day!
I got my whole milk iced latte with one pump of mocha, and enjoyed about 4 sips before dropping it on the floor of Forever 21. It was so embarrassing for sure, but I was mostly mad I lost my coffee. I blame my Peg Perego stroller, which has the world's wussiest cup holder that only fits bottled water. What about us coffee drinking mamas? I'm forced to put the latte in the stroller's back pocket, which is quite precarious and sometimes ends in disaster, like today. Arg!
Housewife fail! The ONLY time I bust out my iron is when someone orders this belt and I have to iron the flowers flat. The iron was so dusty. Good thing hubby wears t shirts and shorts to work.
Two noteworthy paleo dinners: orange chicken,and shrimp skewers/sweet potato fries/salad with homemade ranch <-- the ranch tastes wayyy better they day after once it's thickened and the flavors have melded. The day of, it wasn't even edible.
Siena is finally old enough to play in the fountain with the big kids! It's hilarious how parents come so prepared with rash guards, swim diapers, water shoes, etc. We didn't.
The kid loves water!
Happy Friday, Peeps!
Sorry about the coffee! I guess I'm old, but I still can't get used to being allowed to take drinks inside stores. I always expect someone to pop out and yell at me and I have to remind myself that you're allowed to have them now. When did that transition happen? Also, dogs in stores! That used to not be allowed, right?
haha rach, you're so right! julie and i were such gross little kids that we'd actually steal sips of peoples sodas that they left outside of stores. i'm so ashamed! we thought it was hilarious.
i know we're allowed to bring dogs in stores, but i'm always afraid pesto will lift his leg up on some really expensive dress or something. not worth it!
i dropped my entire starbucks green tea frap in costco due to my wussy peg perego cup holder!
Hubs rock climbing=hubba hubba =]
These pics of Sisi make me SO look forward to Quinn getting old enough to do these things! And just this morning (as I wrangled her during a diaper change) I wished she was a newborn again just she could lay still during said diaper change.
Also, I'm not even sure we even OWN an iron....come to think of it, our dryer is like the most expensive iron ever. Heh.
This is how I use my brain cells!
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